Join our network and connect with other women in the industry!


Why WeTogether?

Gain access to a strong and innovative network that helps you succeed in your career! WeTogether is uniquely designed for women with professional connections across all industrial sectors. Whether you are a CEO, manager, HR professional, employee, specialist, technician, or a student pursuing industrial studies at a vocational college or university, WeTogether is for you.

With WeTogether, you get:

  • Job opportunities and new career paths within the industry
  • Access to knowledge and inspiration to support your growth
  • The chance to meet like-minded individuals and build valuable connections
  • Coaching tools to boost your confidence and self-esteem
  • Opportunities to have a mentor or to become one yourself
  • A warm and inclusive community where you can share experiences and learn from others
  • Extensive opportunities for education and personal development

Our goals are to:

  • Empower women to succeed in their careers
  • Address women’s needs to promote a more equitable industry
  • Support the industry with valuable data and fact-based analyses

When you join WeTogether, you gain access to all of this—and more. You also become part of an innovative journey within Swedish industry, one that significantly impacts the country’s overall industrial development.

A warm welcome to WeTogether!


Therese Hammarstedt


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